Four Signs You Should Use Monitoring Stations For Your Termite Infestation

For years, the best way to get rid of a termite infestation was to drench the soil around your home and parts of the wood in your home with pesticides that would simultaneously kill termites and create a barrier that refused them entry. Now, however, another solution exists on the marketplace – termite monitoring or bait stations. These stations hold poison which termites grab, eat and take back to their lair to poison their friends:

Wondering which option is right for you? Here are four signs that the answer is termite monitoring stations:

1. You want pesticide free soil

Termite barriers involve an application of liquid pesticides into the soil around your home. If you run an organic garden, have children living on your property or otherwise do not like the idea of pesticides in your soil, you may want to skip the barrier method in favour of a monitoring station.

2. Your home is not a good candidate for the barrier method

Not every house or every location is a good candidate for termite barriers. If you have an inaccessible crawl space for instance, the pest control specialist may not be able to reach the best areas for barrier application. Similarly, if you have a well or river near your home, you may not want to use barrier pesticides as they may run into nearby waterways.

3. You don't want the interior of your home disturbed

In addition to being spread around your home, termite pesticides also need to be put into your home during the barrier method. These pesticides may be injected into floorboards, put under carpet or sprayed on the inside of walls. Unfortunately, this can disrupt parts of your home. Termite bait stations, in contrast, can be placed almost anywhere without disturbing your home.

4. You have ample amount of time to deal with the infestation

In most cases, liquid barrier methods work more quickly than termite traps. Termite monitoring stations take a while to work as the termites have to find them, bring the poison back to the colony and wait for it to take affect. This process can take too long for some people, and while you wait for the poison to decimate the colonies, more damage may occur. If the damage is already in a critical state, you need something that works as quickly as possible. If there is only a small amount of damage, your home may be able to handle a longer de-infestation period.

For more information, contact a specialist like Jeffrey Hills and Associates.
